So you're ready to take your Fresh Step? Awesome. Fresh Steps is where you get to learn about our design and discover your God-given purpose. From discovering the vision of Fresh Church to serving in life-giving ministry, we will lead you step-by-step down a path to experience both growth and fulfillment. This process is made up of two steps online and one step in person to help you get better connected at Fresh Church and take a step closer in becoming who God designed you to be. Our ultimate goal is to help you connect with and become a part of our Fresh Team in an atmosphere where your life can touch the lives of others and join our Fresh family. FSC guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you in just 3 sessions.
Fresh Start Classes will equip you to:
1) Connect to the church
2) Discover the strengths of your purposeful design
3) Develop your personal leadership
4) Deploy your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.

Fresh Start Class
Our Fresh Start Class is your first fresh step into your fresh start. Its where you meet your new fresh family and get to know more about the church. This 4 part class gives you the full scope of our heart and helps you discover and walk in your God given purpose. It’s in this class that we celebrate salvations as well as baptisms. Your Fresh Start begins now.

Fresh Team
Joining the team is about belonging to a family. When we belong to a family, we do what needs to be done. We have something for everyone to do; on Sundays, at events or during weekdays. From serving kids, multi media, hospitality, parking, greeting and more. By serving on a team you can create environments for others to encounter God, and help people to know that they belong in our family too!

Fresh Groups
We are better together. This life we live wasn’t meant to done alone and joining a group is one of the best ways to connect with other people around the community at The Fresh Church. We believe groups are more less about what you do and more about who you do it with.

Water baptisms are a public celebration of moving from death to life through faith in Jesus Christ. In itself, baptism does not make us a believer in Christ, but is a way of saying to the world that our relationship with Jesus, and our faith in Him, has begun. Baptism symbolizes to the world that our old self is gone (going under the water) and our new self has come (coming above the water) and that we have been made alive in Christ; alive to a life that can be lived for the glory of God.